We are booking Greenland 2018 ….

Go Greenland for total relax , it is timeless , best place on earth to reload your batteries , full full of great activity!
Our Greenland camp is now completed  ,   it is amazing place indeed and I am very proud to have been able to built it in this unique wild location.  The activitie , plenty of rivers and lakes full of Searun Arctic Charr ..nymp and dry fly fishing at it´s best , lots of sight fishing ,  Saltwater fishing  ,   Caribou and Musk Ox , you will spot Duck´s , Ptarmigan and  Arctic Hair in many places.  Hiking,  there is so many beautiful hiking trails to do from the camp over to the glaciers and Icefjords  , sight seeing , viking trails , visiting inuit villages etc etc.
Here is comments from the Guest book from the Lax-a Camp Greenland , read about the guest´s experience in Greenland , it is so nice to read about theyr experience in this wildest place on earth , the nature , the wildlife , the fishing and the hunting and the camp and the food and the staff ….
Our Greenland lodge so perfectly looked after by our Camp Manager Bo Bo and his team Björn , Gudrun and Andreas , wonderful work !! Jona our Cheff ( wife of Bo Bo ) makes the best magic food ever for sure , all from the nature … Cod and other seafishes , Arctic Charr , Lamb , Caribou , Musk Ox , King Crab …. home made bread , Jam , tea .. endless .. what a great kitchen in the middle of nowhere !!!
Pictures: Fishing https://www.facebook.com/arni.baldursson.33/posts/10156883294228636?pnref=story
Pictures: Lax-a Camp Kitchen.

Pictures: accommodation Lax-a Camp.

Well I am sure if you go there you will love it , all the best , Arni arnibald@lax-a.is Mobile +354 898 3601.