The salmon have arrived to Blanda beat 1!

The Blanda beat 1 is opening the 5th June, next Sunday and we are already very excited about the opening and seeing the first numbers from the river this season. Last season was a record year in Blanda when 4.829 salmon were caught for the season! 

I believe myself this will be a year of big salmon so we will see what comes up from the known big salmon river Blanda in the next week. Yesterday I had some news from friends in the north, the water had been a bit colored earlier in the week making it harder to see the salmon but now it is back to normal with much lower water and great water temperature. Angler Gudmundur went up to the beat 1 yesterday and saw in pool Dammur where a 16 pound salmon had just arrived, he clearly saw silver flashing from the big salmon once he rolled in the pool… waiting for our flies to hit the water! Another angler went again in the evening and saw 6 salmon over 2 years old in the pool on the south side.

The Blanda has been fully booked for this season for a long time but we a few rods available, please email: for more information. Blanda is the perfect place to find strong and big Icelandic salmon, and LOTS of them.

All my best,