Blanda beat one 2018

River Blanda has four beats starting with beat one which is the lowest beat in the river and closest to the sea. Beat one is relatively short but still it offers the bet fishing by far in the river.

Enormous amounts of salmon have to pass through the beat to go on to their spawning grounds in the upper river. In prime time the river is literally blue with salmon which rest there before continuing  with their journey.

The catch in beat one in prime time can be extremely good and all the salmon is of a 100% natural stock. River Blanda is a powerful and big river and the salmon can be very large, the salmon in the river are the most powerful ones i have ever had the good fortune of catching. Even when you hook up to a grilse it feels much bigger due to its power and how the fish use the heavy current to their advantage.

Due to cancellation we can offer a slot in Prime Time or July  14-19th. This is something i can wholeheartedly recommend as some of the best natural Atlantic salmon fishing you will find.

Tight Lines

Johann David  –